Latest fire prosecutions December 2018

Latest fire prosecutions - December 2018

Published: 9th January 2019

We bring you the latest fire prosecutions to highlight the importance of fire safety and to act as a reminder of the risks, failings and legal consequences that can occur when regulations are breached.

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Are your Fire Wardens properly trained?

Are your Fire Wardens properly trained?

Published: 9th January 2019

Now that we’ve entered the new year, many of you may be reviewing the fire safety plans within your premises as well as assessing which employees, such as Fire Wardens, have an active role in the fire safety for your building.

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Stay safe this Christmas with our fire safety tips! - Vulcan Fire Training

Stay safe this Christmas with our fire safety tips!

Published: 4th December 2018

Christmas is fast approaching and by now, many of you will be putting up your Christmas tree and decorating your home just in time for the festive season. But, have you thought about how your Christmas tree and decorations could potentially become a fire hazard?

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Latest Fire Prosecutions November 2018

Latest fire prosecutions - November 2018

Published: 30th November 2018

We bring you the latest fire prosecutions to highlight the importance of fire safety and to remind you of the risks and failings that can occur when it is breached.

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