Vulcan is very pleased to announce the success of Stephen McCabe DGSA GradIOSH MIIRSM MIIAI MIFSM on the Fire Manager Advanced Diploma course.
Stephen first made contact with Vulcan in 2014 and attended the Conversion to Fire Manager Course (Fire Risk Assessor) course in November. Having been successful on the Fire Manager Certificate course he enrolled on the 5 Day Fire Manager Advanced Diploma course which covers larger and high rise establishments. He subsequently produced the required 10,000 word Project which he recently submitted and which met all the necessary criteria to award Stephen the Diploma.
Stephen is the UK Head of Safety & Operations in ProCam UK Ltd based in Leicestershire. He commented on the Diploma course as follows:
“I found both the conversion course and the Diploma course to be well run courses headed up by very experienced and knowledgeable instructors. The course is run at a very relaxing pace and I found the whole experience challenging but very enjoyable. I would highly recommend both these courses.”
Stephen is now able to apply to the Institute of Fire Safety Managers and/or the Institution of Fire Engineers for up to Member grade professional fire safety qualification subject to the Institute’s validation processes.
We thank Stephen for choosing our training services and wish him well in his fire safety role for the future.