Vulcan Fire Training is very pleased to announce the success of Robert (Ben) Bennett on the Fire Manager Advanced Diploma and wish him many congratulations on his success.
Ben took the Fire Risk Assessor and Managing Fire Safety, modules of the Fire Manager Certificate, with Vulcan in 2013 and followed this by more recently attending the Fire Manager Advanced Diploma course. Ben unusually attended at a variety of our venues due to the fact that he is based in the Philippines. His comment on the Diploma course was as follows;
“An excellent course that was able to train and educate me as a student not part of the fire industry. I gained knowledge that improves and broadens my skill set and so offering my clients a better service”.
It has been a pleasure to have Ben in attendance over the years and I am sure we will continue to have a friendly business relationship with him going forward, as we do with the majority of attendees on our professional Fire Management courses.