Our MD Graham Holloway was invited to attend the IFE Norfolk & Suffolk Branch Conference last month and reported that is was both an interesting and informative day.
Modern Timber Framed Buildings – A Fire Engineered Solution
Speakers gave an informative presentations on this ever popular building measures for structures up to 12 floors in the UK.
Andrew Carpenter of the Structural Timber Association explained their 16 steps to fire safety, fire separation guides and STA site safety policy.
Dr Barbara Lane from Arup explained fire tests carried out at BRE and University of Edinburgh on timber framed structures.
Gary Howe of Zurich Insurance gave the fire protection engineers perspective followed by the fire services perspective from Lynsey Seal of the London Fire Brigade.
The session was rounded up by Neil Gibbins CEO of the Institution of Fire Engineers.
Graham concluded that it was both an interesting and informative day.