The North Western IFE Branch IFE Lecturette Competition was held in the evening on Thursday 21st June at Safety Central, Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service, Cliff Lane, Lymm, Warrington, Cheshire, WA13 0TE. The first prize also included a fire safety training course donated by Graham Holloway, Director of Vulcan Fire Training, who is a local member. Graham was thanked as a great advocate of the IFE and for his continued support.
The winner this year was Station Manager, Nick McCormack from Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service who did an interesting presentation on the Kings Dock car park fire which included fire safety considerations. Nick will now be able to enrol on either the Fire Manager Certificate or Fire Manager Advanced Diploma course held by Vulcan in Warrington.
The regional Junior Lecturette final is scheduled for the 4th July 18 at Mitchell and Kenyon Lecture Theatre, Foster Building, UCLAN, Preston, PR1 2HE which Vulcan has again offered as part of the prize the 9 Day Fire Manager Certificate course.
Congratulations to Nick on his success and best of luck to entrants on the 4th July.