Christmas Fire Safety - Hotels and Healthcare

30th November 2022

As we bid goodbye to Autumn and hello to Winter, the weather becomes colder and Christmas is just around the corner (yes we said it!). With the festive season approaching, now is the time when public buildings such as hotels, hospitals and care homes come under even greater pressure. It's not just crowds of people but parties and Christmas decorations (especially lights and combustible trees) that bring additional risks. So, how safe is your organisation this Christmas? We’re going to reveal our top tips on how to stay fire safe during the festivities and take a closer look at some of our upcoming courses…

With office parties underway and everyone getting into the Christmas spirit, it can be easy to overlook the importance of fire safety during the festive season, however failure to implement correct preventative measures can cause irreversible damage and have disastrous consequences. Hotels and health care facilities such as hospitals or care homes have a duty of care to keep residents and visitors safe. However, mobility may be limited for many therefore it’s imperative that staff are equipped with the skills and knowledge should a fire occur. 

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) order 2005 states that businesses are legally required to provide adequate training, information and instruction for individuals that have fire safety responsibilities. Let’s take a closer look at some of the top fire hazards that can be made during the festive period and how you can stay fire safe…

Don’t forget or neglect - Whilst it can be easy to get caught up in all of the festive fun, it’s crucial to remember to test your fire alarms to ensure they are in good working order and fire extinguishers are still in date. Hotels can become exceptionally crowded over Christmas and care homes/hospitals are often greeted by visitors coming to see relatives - so buildings are usually at maximum capacity during this period. Carrying out a fire risk assessment is a great way to do this. This can help identify any problem areas (including critical evacuation routes) which are particularly hazardous and ensures that all of your safety equipment is up to date and functioning as intended.

Declutter the space to tidy the place - Cluttered areas can pose a severe fire hazard in the event of a fire. Combustible materials such as books and paper increase the chances of the fire spreading at a more rapid rate. Additionally, cluttered areas can block fire door exits or pose an obstacle for escape routes which can prove fatal. By ensuring the areas are clutter free, you are ensuring your organisation is both safe and aesthetically pleasing. 

Let there be light - We can all agree that there is something just so magical about Christmas when we see the lights twinkling and the tree is finally up. However, it is important to bear in mind that these do come with their own set of risks. All fairy lights should be purchased from a reputable retailer and conform to British standards and it’s important when in use to ensure you do not overload any electrical sockets. Furthermore, in order to keep spaces clear and clutter free, all cables should be tucked away unobtrusively so they don’t pose a trip hazard in the event of a fire.

Location, location, location - We usually hear this term when it comes to properties however the same applies to festive decorating. Christmas decorations are half of the fun with many hotels and care homes choosing to adorn their buildings with fairy lights, paper garlands and Christmas trees for visitors and residents to enjoy. While this may look fabulous, Christmas decorations are usually very flammable, because they are made from plastic, cardboard or paper so it’s important to keep them away from lights, radiators or other electrical equipment. Also, make sure that everything that needs to be turned off at night is switched off.

Our fire safety courses 

Whilst our training courses are now fully booked for the remainder of the year, why not start the new year off by brushing up on your fire safety knowledge? Our comprehensive course portfolio covers a wide variety of sectors including hotels and healthcare. Delivered by our professional and experienced trainers, our courses ensure delegates are equipped with the skills and theoretical knowledge to confidently manage fire safety within their workplace. Whilst 2023 may seem a lifetime away, due to high demand and limited availability, courses are filling fast so why not secure your place now and get ahead of the New Year rush… 

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Upcoming course dates

  • 23 - 27 January – Fire Risk Assessor Course (5 day) – Online
  • 23 - 27 January – Conversion to Fire Manager Course (5 day) – Online
  • 30 January - 3 February – Fire Risk Assessor Court (5 day) – Warrington
  • 30 January - 3 February – Conversion to Fire Manager Course (5 day) – Warrington
  • 20 - 24 February – Fire Risk Assessor Course (5 day) – Online
  • 20 - 24 February – Conversion to Fire Manager Course (5 day) – Online
  • 7 - 10 March – Managing Fire Safety (4 day) – Online

That’s it folks, we’ve covered our top tips on how to stay fire safe this Christmas and revealed some  of our upcoming course dates. If you’re ready to secure your place on one of our fire safety training courses, simply click the link above to see all of our course dates for 2023. Alternatively, you can view our full course portfolio here. If you’d like to find out more or have any queries don’t hesitate to get in touch with our expert team or call us on 01925 211488.