We are sad to be saying goodbye to one of our team members Alison George who will be retiring at the end of April. Most clients, delegates and prospective customers will have dealt with Alison from the newsletter sent each month to the booking of courses and production of course certificates.
Alison has been married to Dave for almost 42 years and has two sons, three granddaughters and two elder sisters. She has worked for Pauline and Graham at Vulcan Fire Training for 7 years but has known Pauline for 20 years having worked as an Administrative Assistant at a computer supplies company which Pauline was Administration Manager.
During those early years they built up a solid friendship of trust and reliability and when Alison was looking for a new position Pauline kindly offered her work at Vulcan in January 2009.
Alison's employment history includes working up to a position as a secretary to the senior partner at a firm of Solicitors after leaving school and moving on to other professional services establishments such as Burglar Alarm Company and Architects practice, after having a break to bring up her family in her early 20's.
Alison has decided to take early retirement (following her husband who retired last year) to enable them to spend more time together and see more of her grandchildren, pursue her hobbies which include gardening, needle crafts, walking, visiting National Trust establishments. Alison also hopes to get involved in some charitable organisations and to join the local U3A who run an excellent variety of clubs, as well as visiting one of her sisters who lives in the USA.
We are sure everyone will want to wish Alison very best wishes in her retirement which we hope is happy, healthy and long! Our trainers and the whole team appreciate her dedication to her role and she will be sadly missed, as a good friend as well as colleague, but we are sure we will not lose touch.