

Excellent course!

The course had a relaxed teaching style which made everyone comfortable. Would definitely recommend Vulcan to others.

Robert Morgan, Senior Fire Officer, Tata Steel UK.
Managing Fire Safety Course (4 day)

Very enjoyable course! 

Great teaching style which made the course interesting and understandable.

Robert Campbell, ISG Construction
Managing Fire Safety Course (4 day)

Very informative and knowledgeable course! 

As someone who already has experience of around 100 FRA's in properties that include schools, factories, multi storey car parks, offices, theatres and leisure centres, I found that the (advanced fire safety manager) course fulfilled my need to check balance the approach I take and also provide me with "food for thought". The course provided a forum to discuss some of the vagaries of fire safety management with a knowledgeable ex-senior fire service officer, the outcome of these discussions helped to reinforce my confidence in my fire assessment competence. I found the learning process that is based on exercises supported by anecdotes and video examples to be very stimulating

Gerry Lapington, Senior Corporate Health and Safety Advisor, Denbighshire Council
Managing Fire Safety Course (4 day)

Very knowledgeable course! 

Although Vulcan are specifically ‘fire’ safety trainers, they also have fire safety experience and offer qualifications which provide an extra dimension to training. Feedback from employees has been very complementary, who commented that the training has been both informative and interesting throughout.

Chris Mansell, HSE Coordinator, Leicester Cartons and Leaflets UK, Chesapeake Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Packaging
Managing Fire Safety Course (4 day)


The tutor's delivery, style, knowledge and experience were excellent.

Mark Kingston, Health & Safety Consultant, HS Direct
Managing Fire Safety Course (4 day)

A really informative course, with good content.

Would definitely recommend to anyone wanting to understand the responsibility of a fire manager.

Mark Uphill, HSE Manager, Aspire Defence Services
Managing Fire Safety Course (4 day)

Easy course to understand! 

It is great that the course is broken up with exercises.

Michael Sheppard, Project Manager, Aspire Defence Services
Managing Fire Safety Course (4 day)