This course can be booked as an in-house option to take place at your own premises

Fire Warden Training

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The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 for England and Wales/Fire (Scotland) Act 2005 or Fire Safety Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2010 require that adequate information, instruction and training are provided for persons nominated with fire safety responsibilities.

Appointing and training Fire Wardens will provide management with the opportunity to significantly improve fire prevention practices in the workplace, improve communications and share the workload in the implementation of good fire safety management.

About the course

A ½ day multi-media course of 3.5 hrs duration (3 hr theory and ½ hr practical) where delegates will learn the essential duties of Fire Wardens / Marshals and be provided with the knowledge, skills and abilities to undertake their duties competently and confidently. Delegates receive a certificate of attendance and the course is approved by the Institute of Fire Safety Managers for up to 15 delegates per session. 

Two sessions can be held at the same venue on the same day so that employees can attend separately. Please ask for date availability.

½ day presentations are also available for care homes, construction, healthcare, hotel and school sectors which are approved by the Institute of Fire Safety Managers. 

In-house course only

Maximum 15 delegates held on the client’s premises throughout the UK – please ask for details and date availability.

Requirements - a training room large enough to accommodate the number of attendees. Vulcan will provide projector, laptop and screen for the presentation.

Who should attend?

Fire wardens, deputies and safety representatives or anyone holding fire warden responsibilities.

Qualification achieved

Fire Warden Approved Certificate.

Benefits to you and your organisation

On completion of this course, delegates will be able to:

  • Complete disabled evacuation using PEEPs
  • Assess what size fire they can safely deal with using appropriate fire equipment
  • Understand fire phenomenon including backdrafts
  • Practical fire safety rules
  • Using the PASS formula for safe use of extinguishers
  • Confidently operate portable fire-fighting equipment.
  • Move in a smoke filled environment more confidently.


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Course Content

Fire Legislation

  • Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, or Fire (Scotland) Act 2005 or Fire Safety Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2010 

Fire Safety Provision

  • Fire guide
  • Means of escape
  • Fire warning systems
  • Fire-fighting equipment 

Fire Science

  • How fires build and spread
  • Backdrafts

Preventative Fire Inspections

  • Hazard spotting
  • Common faults
  • Regular maintenance (housekeeping)

Fire Evacuation Procedures

  • Behaviour of people evacuating a building on fire
  • Safe evacuation key points
  • Fire Warden responsibilities
  • Factors in a controlled evacuation
  • Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans

Fire Fighting Procedures

  • Fire facts
  • Fire products
  • Classification of fires 
  • Fire spread

Main Causes of Fire

  • How fires start and develop
  • Classes of fires

Portable Fire-Fighting Equipment

  • Main types of extinguisher
  • Suitability of agents
  • Using the PASS formula
  • Practical fire-fighting with water extinguishers.

Fire Extinguisher Training (optional)

The Fire Wardens course can be further enhanced by the inclusion of live fire extinguisher training.

Extinguisher practice is carried out using a propane fired simulator which provides realistic and safe simulation of fires. The simulator requires an area the size of three car parking spaces plus a parking space for a van, and should be away from combustibles, in the open air and on ground level.

All delegates are able to practice using water extinguishers and be able to assess when a fire can be tackled and when to leave it to the fire service. This can reduce the likelihood of any incident developing into a major fire.

Extinguishers are provided for delegates to use.

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Course Enquiry

Please complete the form below if you would like to enquire about the Fire Warden Training course, or be added to a waiting list for a date that is currently full.

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